The glass is not yet half empty: agitation but not Varroa treatment causes cognitive bias in honey bees

Autor(en): Schluens, Helge
Welling, Helena
Federici, Julian Rene
Lewejohann, Lars 
Stichwörter: ANIMAL BEHAVIOR; APIDAE; APIS-MELLIFERA HYMENOPTERA; Appetitive learning; Aversive learning; Behavioral Sciences; COLONIES; DESTRUCTOR; EMOTION; Formic acid; FORMIC-ACID; Invertebrate emotion; INVERTEBRATE WELFARE; JACOBSONI ACARI; Olfactory conditioning; PROBOSCIS EXTENSION; Proboscis extension reflex; Zoology
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Volumen: 20
Ausgabe: 2
Startseite: 233
Seitenende: 241
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are prone to judge an ambiguous stimulus negatively if they had been agitated through shaking which simulates a predator attack. Such a cognitive bias has been suggested to reflect an internal emotional state analogous to humans who judge more pessimistically when they do not feel well. In order to test cognitive bias experimentally, an animal is conditioned to respond to two different stimuli, where one is punished while the other is rewarded. Subsequently a third, ambiguous stimulus is presented and it is measured whether the subject responds as if it expects a reward or a punishment. Generally, it is assumed that negative experiences lower future expectations, rendering the animals more pessimistic. Here we tested whether a most likely negatively experienced formic acid treatment against the parasitic mite Varroa destructor also affects future expectations of honey bees. We applied an olfactory learning paradigm (i.e., conditioned proboscis extension response) using two odorants and blends of these odorants as the ambiguous stimuli. Unlike agitating honey bees, exposure to formic acid did not significantly change the response to the ambiguous stimuli in comparison with untreated bees. Overall evidence suggests that the commonest treatment against one of the most harmful bee pests has no detrimental effects on cognitive bias in honey bees.
ISSN: 14359448
DOI: 10.1007/s10071-016-1042-x

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