Preparation, loading, and cytotoxicity analysis of polymer nanotubes from an ethylene glycol dimethacrylate homopolymer in comparison to multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Autor(en): Newland, Benjamin
Thomas, Laurent S. V.
Zheng, Yu
Steinhart, Martin 
Werner, Carsten
Wang, Wenxian
Stichwörter: Carbon nanotube; PEG ratio; Ethylene glycol; Polymer chemistry; Chemical engineering; Polyethylene glycol; Nanotube; Materials science; Polymer; Nanocomposite; Copolymer
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016
Herausgeber: Wiley
Journal: Journal of interdisciplinary nanomedicine
Volumen: 1
Ausgabe: 1
Startseite: 9
Seitenende: 18
ISSN: 2058-3273
Rechte: cc-by

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