Inkjet Printing as a Flexible Technology for the Deposition of Thermoelectric Composite Structures

Autor(en): Besganz, Angelina
Zöllmer, Volker
Kun, Robert
Pál, Edit
Walder, Lorenz 
Busse, Matthias
Stichwörter: Optoelectronics; Electronics; Materials science; Thermoelectric generator; Flexible electronics; Composite material; Thermoelectric effect; Fabrication; Thermoelectric materials; Substrate (aquarium); Printed electronics; Inkjet printing; Thermal conductivity; Nanotechnology
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014
Herausgeber: Elsevier
Journal: Procedia Technology
Volumen: 15
Startseite: 99
Seitenende: 106
ISSN: 2212-0173

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