Experiments on anterior regeneration in Eurythoe complanata (''Polychaeta'', Amphinomidae): reconfiguration of the nervous system and its function for regeneration

Autor(en): Muller, MCM
Berenzen, A
Westheide, W
Stichwörter: 5-HT; ``Polychaeta''; Anatomy & Morphology; ANNELIDA; BrdU; CLSM; DIFFERENTIATION; extirpation; IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY; INNERVATION; nervous system; NEURONS; OLIGOCHAETA; regeneration; SEROTONIN; Zoology
Erscheinungsdatum: 2003
Herausgeber: SPRINGER
Volumen: 122
Ausgabe: 2
Startseite: 95
Seitenende: 103
In the polychaete Eurythoe complanata (Amphinomidae) regeneration of the nervous system has been monitored after amputation of anterior segments and after amputation plus extirpation of one to a few anterior ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. The serotonergic subunit of the nervous system was visualized with an antibody directed against the bioamine 5-HT. Cell proliferation could be demonstrated by incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine. Antibody binding was visualized by fluorescence labeling and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The results show that regeneration of the nervous system occurs in two phases: (1) formation of primary neuronal structures by the ``old'' cord and (2) formation of new neurons in the regenerate that link up with the ``old'' system by their outgrowing axons. It is demonstrated that the nervous system is essential for regeneration: it induces cell proliferation in the blastema and subsequently in the regenerate. Extirpation of one ganglion retards regeneration, and extirpation of more than one ganglion prevents it completely, unless the affected segments are autotomized.
ISSN: 0720213X
DOI: 10.1007/s00435-003-0073-4

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