Adverse skin reactions caused by masks in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: an empirical investigation in a Lower Saxonian maximum-care hospital

Autor(en): Symanzik, C.
Koerbel-Peceny, C.
Luettje, D.
Engelhardt, M.
Skudlik, C. 
John, S. M. 
Stichwörter: COVID-19; Dermatology; dermatosis; ECZEMA; face; HAND HYGIENE; health service; healthcare workers; hygiene; masks; NURSES; nursing; pandemic; skin stress
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Volumen: 70
Ausgabe: 1
Startseite: 3
Seitenende: 12
Introduction: In order to contain the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, strict hygiene measures have been introduced for healthcare workers (HCW). An increase in the occurrence of skin changes in the facial area due to the wearing of masks has already been shown for the private sector. For professional collectives, there is a lack of data. This paper aims at evaluating and quantifying the occurrence of skin changes in the facial area associated with wearing a mask in HCW. Methods: In November 2021, a written survey was conducted in HCW working in a Lower Saxonian maximum-care hospital using fully standardized questionnaires. Results: 192 HCW participated. The average daily wearing time of a mask in the collective (n = 192) adds up to 0.6 /- 1.7 hours before the pandemic and to 9.0 /- 1.9 hours during the pandemic. 10.9% of the 192 participants stated that they had suffered from skin changes in the facial area before the introduction of the COVID-19-associated hygiene measures and 80.7% of the 192 participants stated that they had suffered from skin changes in the facial area - which can be attributed to wearing a mask according to self-assessment - since the introduction of the COVID-19-associated hygiene measures. Discussion: Not only a surge in the daily mask wearing time, but also a substantial increase in the occurrence of skin changes in the facial area that are associated with wearing a mask in HCW can be traced back to COVID-19-associated hygiene measures. The need for information about preventive measures indicates that the increased occurrence of skin changes in the facial area is perceived as burdensome by HCW. Conclusion: Since no decline of COVID-19-associated hygiene measures is to be expected in the foreseeable future, HCW should be provided with information on the prevention of skin changes in the facial area. In (occupational) dermatological practice, the use of adequate, individualized skin cleansing and skin care concepts is advisable. Comprehensive primary preventive content can be included in health education training measures - also in the sense of an e-learning/e-health concept.
ISSN: 1438-776X
DOI: 10.5414/DBX00427

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