Evaluation of the secondary and tertiary prevention strategies against occupational contact dermatitis in Germany: A systematic review

Autor(en): Ahlstrom, Malin G.
Dietz, Jojo B.
Wilke, Annika
Johansen, Jeanne D.
John, Swen Malthe
Brans, Richard 
Stichwörter: Allergy; contact dermatitis; Dermatology; ECONOMIC-EVALUATION; HAND ECZEMA; HEALTH-CARE WORKERS; INDIVIDUAL PREVENTION; KITCHEN EMPLOYEES; MULTICENTER; occupational; PATIENT EDUCATION; quality of life; QUALITY-OF-LIFE; REHABILITATION; secondary prevention; SKIN DISEASES; tertiary prevention
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Herausgeber: WILEY
Volumen: 87
Ausgabe: 2
Startseite: 142
Seitenende: 153
In Germany, a stepwise multidisciplinary approach has been established to prevent occupational skin diseases (OSDs), primarily occupational contact dermatitis. This review aims to perform a systematic evaluation of the short- and long-term effects of the German secondary and tertiary individual prevention programmes (SIP and TIP, respectively) for OSDs. Primary outcomes were continuation of employment, severity of hand dermatitis, and quality of life (QoL). The PubMed and Embase databases were searched for studies reporting the effects of the SIP and TIP. A total of 19 studies encompassing 5527 patients with OSDs were included: 11 studies evaluated the SIP and 8 evaluated the TIP. Following the SIP, approximately 70% to 90% and 60% to 70% of patients remained in their occupation after 1 and 5 years, respectively. At 3 years after the TIP, 82.7% of patients remained in their occupation and exhibited a significant decrease in hand dermatitis severity, as well as an increase in QoL. Most of these studies were uncontrolled and the interventions, outcomes, and measurement instruments used were heterogeneous. The SIP and TIP lead to decreased disease severity, improved QoL, and enabled most patients to continue working in their chosen professions. Implementing a similar multidisciplinary approach across Europe may be beneficial.
ISSN: 0105-1873
DOI: 10.1111/cod.14099

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