Purification by affinity-chromatography of a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from the CNS of the cockroach Periplaneta americana

Autor(en): Sattelle, David B.
Breer, Heinz
Stichwörter: Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; Enzyme; Biochemistry; Biology; Pharmacology; Ecology; Periplaneta; American cockroach; Chromatography; Cockroach; Chemistry; Bungarotoxin; Receptor; Affinity chromatography; Ganglion type nicotinic receptor; Nicotinic agonist; Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; Acetylcholine; Alpha-4 beta-2 nicotinic receptor; Acetylcholine receptor; Dictyoptera
Erscheinungsdatum: 1985
Band: 82
Ausgabe: 2
Startseite: 349
Seitenende: 352
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/0742-8413(85)90174-4

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