The changing role and competence profiles of strategic oriented jobs in times of product-service systems and business analytics: An analysis of job advertisements

Autor(en): Kurpiela, Steffen
Teuteberg, Frank 
Stichwörter: BIG DATA; Business analytics; Competences; Computer Science; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; FRAMEWORK; FREQUENCY; INTEGRATION; Job advertisements; MANAGEMENT; PERFORMANCE; Product -service systems; PROFESSIONALS; Strategic planning; Text mining
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Herausgeber: ELSEVIER
Band: 149
Product-service systems (PSS) and business analytics (BA) are associated with the opportunity to improve the organizational performance but also with challenges, especially their organizational integration. However, literature and practice lacks an investigation of the roles and required competences for strategic oriented jobs on corporate or department level in times of PSS and BA. Hence, we perform a text mining analysis of job advertisements in order to develop an overview of the roles and competences as well as contribute to longitudinal studies on strategic oriented jobs. Our analysis reveals, the influence of PSS and BA on the profiles of strategic oriented jobs. Thus, the relevance and importance of key competences and the general relevance of strategic oriented jobs in times of PSS and BA can be determined. In summary, our results can be used as guidelines for research and practices like insights regarding the relevant qualifications for the recruitment and training.
ISSN: 0166-3615
DOI: 10.1016/j.compind.2023.103931

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