Nudging Digital Learning - An Experimental Analysis of Social Nudges to Manage Self-Regulated Learning and Online Learning Success

Autor(en): Schlegel, Laura
Schöbel, Sofia 
Söllner, Matthias
Herausgeber: Bui, T.X.
Stichwörter: Computer aided instruction; Digital-learning; E-learning; Economic and social effects; Experiment; Experimental analysis; Learning outcome; Learning process; Learning systems; Nudging; Online Learning; Online learning environment; Self-Regulated Learning; Self-regulated learning behaviors; Social Nudging
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Herausgeber: IEEE Computer Society
Enthalten in: Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Band: 2023-January
Startseite: 34 – 43
Self-regulated learning competencies are of increasing importance to ensure learning success in online learning environments. We investigate the use of digital social nudges in a self-reliant online learning situation to support learners in better managing their self-regulated learning behaviors. We ground our research on dual-process theory and social comparison theory to design social nudges. To evaluate our research model, we conduct an online experiment (N=226). The results show that social nudges positively impact learning outcomes mediated by self-regulated learning behaviors manifested using learning strategies. We found that positive emotions can further strengthen the positive effect of social nudges. Our results help to understand how social nudges can be efficiently used in online learning environments to support learners in better managing their learning processes and achieving learning outcomes. We open new chances for researchers and designers of online learning materials to support online learning processes. © 2023 IEEE Computer Society. All rights reserved.
Cited by: 0; Conference name: 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2023; Conference date: 3 January 2023 through 6 January 2023; Conference code: 187535
ISBN: 9780998133164
ISSN: 1530-1605
Externe URL:

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