Processes of social learning in integrated resources management

Autor(en): Pahl-Wostl, C 
Hare, M
Stichwörter: group model building; integrated water resources management; MODELS; participatory processes; Psychology; Psychology, Social; social learning
Erscheinungsdatum: 2004
Herausgeber: WILEY
Volumen: 14
Ausgabe: 3
Startseite: 193
Seitenende: 206
In recent years the human dimension and governance issues have gained more and more in importance in the management of natural resources. One important aspect is to understand the processes of social learning that precede any collective decision-making. The HarmoniCOP project developed a framework for social learning for resources management that can be interpreted as combining content management as well as social involvement processes to achieve both technical and relational outcomes. Social learning was taken into account in a new approach called participatory agent based social simulation. Participatory agent based social simulation deviates in a number of ways from conventional modelling. The actors themselves whose behaviour is represented in the model and who are supposed to later use the models for decision-making and strategic planning, participate and contribute to the modelling process. Models serve as tools of communication in processes of social learning. This article reports on a Swiss case study which dealt with the development of new management strategies for urban water management. It will provide examples of how different techniques can be used to establish a process of social learning within a long-term participatory management project using participatory agent-based social simulation. Social learning is highlighted as important for management regimes that require changes in social practices, roles and responsibilities. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
ISSN: 10529284
DOI: 10.1002/casp.774

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