Emergence of hierarchical reference systems in multi-agent communication

Autor(en): Ohmer, Xenia
Duda, Marko
Bruni, Elia 
Herausgeber: Calzolari, N.
Huang, C.-R.
Kim, H.
Pustejovsky, J.
Wanner, L.
Choi, K.-S.
Ryu, P.-M.
Chen, H.-H.
Donatelli, L.
Ji, H.
Kurohashi, S.
Paggio, P.
Xue, N.
Kim, S.
Hahm, Y.
He, Z.
Lee, T.K.
Santus, E.
Bond, F.
Na, S.-H.
Stichwörter: Computational linguistics; Hierarchical systems; Multi agent systems; Artificial agents; Communication games; Compositional structure; Efficient communications; In contexts; Learn+; Multi-agent communications; Natural languages; Novel concept; Reference systems; Abstracting
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Herausgeber: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
Journal: Proceedings - International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING
Volumen: 29
Ausgabe: 1
Startseite: 5689 – 5706
In natural language, referencing objects at different levels of specificity is a fundamental pragmatic mechanism for efficient communication in context. We develop a novel communication game, the hierarchical reference game, to study the emergence of such reference systems in artificial agents. We consider a simplified world, in which concepts are abstractions over a set of primitive attributes (e.g., color, style, shape). Depending on how many attributes are combined, concepts are more general (“circle”) or more specific (“red dotted circle”). Based on the context, the agents have to communicate at different levels of this hierarchy. Our results show that the agents learn to play the game successfully and can even generalize to novel concepts. To achieve abstraction, they use implicit (omitting irrelevant information) and explicit (indicating that attributes are irrelevant) strategies. In addition, the compositional structure underlying the concept hierarchy is reflected in the emergent protocols, indicating that the need to develop hierarchical reference systems supports the emergence of compositionality. © 2022 Proceedings - International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING. All rights reserved.
Cited by: 0; Conference name: 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING 2022; Conference date: 12 October 2022 through 17 October 2022; Conference code: 186893
ISSN: 2951-2093
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85165741430&partnerID=40&md5=f53dd4561828b2acb12e28ce6de06fb4

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