Papain-Based Dissociation of Schmidtea mediterranea Cells

Autor(en): Ortmeier, Claudia
Gentile, Luca
Stichwörter: Cell dissociation; cell selection; cell transplantation; cell viability; cysteine; cysteine proteinase; enzyme metabolism; flow cytometry; gene expression profiling; High cell viability; immunohistochemistry; Mediterranea; nonhuman; Papain; Schmidtea mediterranea; Schmidteamediterranea; transcriptomics
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Herausgeber: Humana Press Inc.
Journal: Methods in Molecular Biology
Volumen: 2680
Startseite: 179 – 187
The need of highly viable cellsdissociated from Schmidtea mediterranea is constantly growing. In this chapter, we describe a cell dissociation method based on papain (papaya peptidase I). This enzyme, often used to dissociate cells with complex morphology, is a cysteine protease with a broad specificity and increases both the yield and the viability of the dissociated cell suspension. The papain dissociation is preceded by a pretreatment for mucus removal, as this was shown to greatly improve the yield of cell dissociation, regardless of the method used. Papain-dissociated cells are suitable for a variety of downstream applications, like live immunostaining, flow cytometry, cell sorting, transcriptomics, and cell transplantation, also at the single-cell level. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
Cited by: 0
ISSN: 1064-3745
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3275-8_11
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