Browsing by Author Skudlik, Christoph

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Showing results 177 to 196 of 332 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Neue Versorgungsformen in der Dermatologie : Vernetzte stationär-ambulante Prävention von schweren Berufsdermatosen ; Eckpunkte für eine funktionierende integrierte Versorgung in Klinik und PraxisJohn, Swen-Malte ; Skudlik, Christoph 
2006New forms of management in dermatology - Integrated in-patient-out-patient prevention of severe occupational dermatoses: Cornerstones for an effective integrated management in clinics and practicesJohn, S. M. ; Skudlik, C. 
2009New Forms of the Collaborative Work between Practice and Clinic (vol 60, pg 722, 2009)Skudlik, C. ; Juenger, M.; Palsherm, K.; Breuer, K.; Brandenburg, S.; John, S. M. 
2016News of the ABD Task Force "Quality management in the evaluation of occupational diseases" [Qualitätssicherung im BK-Verfahren Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsgruppe "qualitätssicherung im BK-Verfahren" der ABD]Skudlik, C. ; John, S.M. 
2019News on Occupational Allergic Contact DermatitisBrans, R. ; Schroeder-Kraft, C.; Skudlik, C. ; John, S. M. ; Geier, J.
2022Nickel and cobalt release from beauty tools: A field study in the German cosmetics tradeSymanzik, Cara; Uter, Wolfgang; Becker, Selina-Marie; Skudlik, Christoph ; John, Swen M. 
2023Nickel and Cobalt Release from Metal Tools in the Cosmetic Trade: Results of a recent Field StudySymanzik, Cara; Uter, Wolfgang; Becker, Selina-Marie; Skudlik, Christoph ; John, Swen Malte 
2021Nickel and cobalt: underestimated contact allergens in hairdressers?Symanzik, C.; Skudlik, C. ; John, S. M. 
2014No remarkable differences in rates of sensitization to common type I and IV allergens between FLG loss-of-function mutation carriers and wild-type subjectsLandeck, Lilla; Visser, Maaike; Skudlik, Christoph ; Brans, Richard ; Kezic, Sanja; John, Swen Malte 
2014No remarkable differences in rates of sensitization to common type I and IV allergens between FLG loss‐of‐function mutation carriers and wild‐type subjectsLandeck, Lilla; Visser, Maaike; Skudlik, Christoph ; Brans, Richard ; Kezic, Sanja; John, Swen M. 
2022Novel systemic medications-especially for treatment of atopic dermatitis-within therapies of the employer?s liability insur- ance association-a basis for discussionSymanzik, C.; Altenburg, C.; Awe, S.; Drechsel-Schlund, C.; Nienhaus, A.; Brandenburg, S.; Skudlik, C. ; John, S. M. 
2009Occupational airborne contact allergy to tetrazepam in a geriatric nurseBreuer, Kristine; Worm, Margitta; Skudlik, Christoph ; Schroeder, Claudia; John, Swen Malte 
2012Occupational allergic contact dermatitis caused by (R)-3-(2-chloro-1-hydroxyethyl)-phenolBrans, Richard ; Skudlik, Christoph ; John, Swen Malte 
2012Occupational allergic contact dermatitis caused by (R)‐3‐(2‐chloro‐1‐hydroxyethyl)‐phenolBrans, Richard ; Skudlik, Christoph ; John, Swen M. 
2012Occupational allergic contact dermatitis conditional compared to coconut diethanolamide and Contact urticaria from fish and asparagus in cookingBorgmann, J.; Brans, R. ; Skudlik, C. ; John, S. M. 
2007Occupational allergic contact dermatitis from monoethanolamine in a dental nurseUlrich, Stefan; Skudlik, Christoph ; John, Swen-Malte 
2007Occupational allergic contact dermatitis from monoethanolamine in a dental nurseUlrich, Stefan; Skudlik, Christoph ; John, Swen-Malte 
2022Occupational allergic contact dermatitis to dicylohexylamine in a metalworking fluidBrans, Richard ; Schoenmaker, Maarten; Kiewert, Alexander; Skudlik, Christoph 
2010Occupational allergic contact dermatitis to ethylene oxide identified by patch testing to epichlorohydrineBreuer, K.; Worm, M.; Skudlik, C. ; John, S. 
2020Occupational aspects of palmoplantar pustulosis Discussion based on the evaluation of retrospective dataObermeyer, L.; Skudlik, C. ; John, S. M. ; Brans, R.