Browsing by Author Benner, Dennis

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Can you help me scale? A Systematic Analysis of Scaling Capabilities of Conversational Agents for Digital ServicesBenner, Dennis; Schöbel, Sofia ; Janson, Andreas; Leimeister, Jan Marco
2023Charting the Evolution and Future of Conversational Agents: A Research Agenda Along Five Waves and New FrontiersSchoebel, Sofia ; Schmitt, Anuschka; Benner, Dennis; Saqr, Mohammed; Janson, Andreas; Leimeister, Jan Marco
2021Unterstützung digitaler Bildungsprozesse durch interaktive gamifizierte Lernvideos – Wie innovative Lernvideos Motivation und Lernerfolg steigern könnenWeinert, Tim; Benner, Dennis; Dickhaut, Ernestine; Janson, Andreas; Schöbel, Sofia ; Leimeister, Jan Marco