Fartmann, Thomas

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Fartmann, Thomas
Fartmann, T
Fartmann, Thomas
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1-20 von 93

12013Effects of mire type, land use and climate on a strongly declining wetland butterflyWeking, Sarah; Hermann, Gabriel; Fartmann, Thomas 
22014The role of a mound-building ecosystem engineer for a grassland butterflyStreitberger, M.; Rose, S.; Hermann, G.; Fartmann, T. 
32014Effects of Montane Heathland Restoration on Leafhopper Assemblages (Insecta: Auchenorrhyncha)Borchard, Fabian; Fartmann, Thomas 
42014Response of Orthoptera communities to succession in alluvial pine woodlandsHelbing, Felix; Blaeser, Tim Peter; Loeffler, Franz; Fartmann, Thomas 
52014Cold-adapted species in a warming world - an explorative study on the impact of high winter temperatures on a continental butterflyStuhldreher, G.; Hermann, G.; Fartmann, T. 
62014When habitat management can be a bad thing: effects of habitat quality, isolation and climate on a declining grassland butterflyStuhldreher, G.; Fartmann, T. 
72014Coastal heathland succession influences butterfly community composition and threatens endangered butterfly speciesSchirmel, J.; Fartmann, T. 
82014Carabid beetles and spiders as bioindicators for the evaluation of montane heathland restoration on former spruce forestsBorchard, F.; Buchholz, S.; Helbing, F.; Fartmann, T. 
92015Montane heathland rejuvenation by choppering-Effects on vascular plant and arthropod assemblagesFartmann, Thomas ; Borchard, Fabian; Buchholz, Sascha
102015Populations of a shrub-feeding butterfly thrive after introduction of restorative shrub cutting on formerly abandoned calcareous grasslandHelbing, Felix; Cornils, Nele; Stuhldreher, Gregor; Fartmann, Thomas 
112015Oviposition-site preferences of a declining butterfly Erebia medusa (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) in nutrient-poor grasslandsStuhldreher, G.; Fartmann, T. 
122015Vegetation and climate determine ant-mound occupancy by a declining herbivorous insect in grasslandsStreitberger, Merle; Fartmann, Thomas 
132016Ants and moles as ecosystem engineers : the role of small-scale disturbance for biodiversity in central European grasslandsStreitberger, Merle
142016Functional connectivity as an indicator for patch occupancy in grassland specialistsPoniatowski, Dominik; Loeffler, Franz; Stuhldreher, Gregor; Borchard, Fabian; Kraemer, Benjamin; Fartmann, Thomas 
152016Genista dwarf shrubs as key structures for a Mediterranean grasshopper species on alluvial gravel banksLoeffler, Franz; Poniatowski, Dominik; Fartmann, Thomas 
162016Vegetation heterogeneity caused by an ecosystem engineer drives oviposition-site selection of a threatened grassland insectStreitberger, Merle; Fartmann, Thomas 
172016Effects of recent climate changes on the biodiversity of low mountain ranges - Literature review on species and habitats [Auswirkungen des rezenten klimawandels auf die biodiversität in Mittelgebirgen: Eine literaturstudie zu arten und lebensräumen]Streitberger, M.; Jedicke, E.; Fartmann, T. 
182017Nitrogen enrichment of host plants has mostly beneficial effects on the life-history traits of nettle-feeding butterfliesKurze, Susanne; Heinken, Thilo; Fartmann, Thomas 
192017Small-scale positive response of terrestrial gastropods to dead-wood addition is mediated by canopy opennessKirchenbaur, Tobias; Fartmann, Thomas ; Baessler, Claus; Loeffler, Franz; Mueller, Joerg; Straetz, Christian; Seibold, Sebastian
202017Effects of local climate, landscape structure and habitat quality on leafhopper assemblages of acidic grasslandsHelbing, Felix; Fartmann, Thomas ; Loeffler, Franz; Poniatowski, Dominik