WebMapping at school

Autor(en): De Lange, N. 
Stichwörter: Attribute data; E-learning environment; GIS-education; Graphic presentation; Learning achievement; Map servers; MapServer-technology; Mathematical models; Students; Two layers; Virtual reality, Education computing; WebMapping with own data at school; WebMapping with own data at school, Algorithms
Erscheinungsdatum: 2010
Enthalten in: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Band: 7840
The paper discusses the position of GIS in Geography as a subject especially at German schools. It points out that students only need simple GIS-functions in order to explore digital atlases or webbased data viewers. Furthermore it is widely accepted that learning achievements improve if students make use of the idea of self-employed and explorative working on information produced by themselves. These two arguments have led to the development of the WebMapping tool "kartografix-school". It allows users to generate maps with new and individually defined content on the internet. For that purpose the tool contains generalized outlines of all countries of the world as well as of German States. As these boundaries are given users can assign new attribute data to these geoobjects. These data are transferred to a graphic presentation. It is possible to define the classification and colours for each class. Users can change and update all information (data as well as number of classes, definition of classes, colours) at any time. Moreover "kartografix-school" offers the possibility to produce maps which are composed of two layers. All data are stored at a server located in the University of Osnabrück. "kartografix-school" is integrated in an e-Learning environment. © 2010 SPIE.
Conference of 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth: Models, Algorithms, and Virtual Reality ; Conference Date: 9 September 2009 Through 12 September 2009; Conference Code:82946
ISBN: 9780819483638
ISSN: 0277786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.872679
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-78650358498&doi=10.1117%2f12.872679&partnerID=40&md5=50802ae1ac0e958c4484983fb59fdd87

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