Augmenting JSHOP2 planning with OWL-DL

Autor(en): Hartanto, R.
Hertzberg, J. 
Stichwörter: Automatic planning; Description logic; Domain description; Domain representations; Logical reasoning; Planning problem; Planning process; Problem description, Artificial intelligence; Data description; Scheduling, Concretes
Erscheinungsdatum: 2007
Enthalten in: Proceedings of the 21st Workshop Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen, PuK 2007 - Workshop at Kunstliche Intelligenz 2007 Annual Conference
Startseite: 21
Seitenende: 27
The paper describes an approach for combining a reasoner based on description logic (concretely, OWL-DL) and a planner, in this case an off-the-shelf HTN planner (concretely, JSHOP2). The domain representation is formulated in the DL regime, which can also used for logical reasoning about state. Domain and problem descriptions are then generated automatically from the DL representation as needed, plans are generated on the planner's side, and transformed back into the DL representation. A working example is given for a simulated robot navigation domain. In particular, we show that the automatic planning problem generation leads to skipping over parts of the domain description deduced to be irrelevant for solving the concrete planning problem at hand, thereby reducing substantially the size of the problem description for the planner and speeding up the planning process.
Conference of 21st Workshop on Planning, Scheduling, Configuration, and Design, PuK 2007 - Workshop at 2007 Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence ; Conference Date: 10 September 2007 Through 10 September 2007; Conference Code:96181
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