Real time texture generation in optimized large-scale polygon meshes with KinectFusion

Autor(en): Mock, A.
Wiemann, T. 
Borrmann, D.
Igelbrink, T.
Hertzberg, J. 
Stichwörter: Algorithms, High-resolution textures; KinectFusion; Polygon meshes; Post processing; Real time; Real time algorithms; Robotic applications; Texture generation, Robotics
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016
Herausgeber: VDE Verlag GmbH
Enthalten in: 47th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR 2016
Startseite: 10
Seitenende: 16
Large scale variants of the well known KinectFusion algorithm allow for generating on-line polygonal indoor maps for robotic applications. This paper presents a new real time algorithm to automatically generate, on top of the polygonal map, high resolution textures for optimized meshes of large scale planar environments in real time. The proposed method generates the meshes on-line without the need of post-processing, as is shown in experiments. © 2016 VDE VERLAG GMBH Berlin Offenbach.
Conference of 47th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR 2016 ; Conference Date: 21 June 2016 Through 22 June 2016; Conference Code:122896
ISBN: 9783800742318
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