Promotion of participation in all-day primary schools: Pedagogical foundations and empirical results for game situations [Partizipationsförderung in der Ganztagsgrundschule: Pädagogische Grundlagen und empirische Befunde zu Spielsituationen]

Autor(en): Derecik, A. 
Neuber, N.
Stichwörter: All-day schools; democratic Participation; Game situations; integrative model of participation; pedagogical participation
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014
Herausgeber: Springer Verlag
Enthalten in: Sportwissenschaft
Band: 44
Ausgabe: 4
Startseite: 214
Seitenende: 223
The participation of children is one of the main tasks of all-day schools; however, previous findings demonstrated that a culture of participation is not usually established in schools. Based on models of democratic participation (Eikel, Demokratische Partizipation in der Schule, pp.7–42, 2007) and pedagogical participation (Messmer, Partizipation im Unterricht, 1995), an integrative model of participation is developed in the promotion of all-day schools. In a qualitative study design participatory processes are recognized in the context of exercises, games and sports offers, focusing on videos and interviews with children and pedagogic professionals. The results are illustrated by examples of game situations in open all-day primary schools. © 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
ISSN: 03422380
DOI: 10.1007/s12662-014-0347-7
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