Traditional or vegetarian? - ``Es geht um die Wurst!'' in the GreenLab

Autor(en): Beeken, Marco 
Walf, Swantje
Budke, Michael
Stichwörter: Education & Educational Research; education for a sustainable development; Education, Scientific Disciplines; extracurricular learning location; GreenLab_OS; interdisciplinary chemistry classes; mobile student lab
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
Journal: CHEMKON
Volumen: 25
Ausgabe: 3
Startseite: 112
Seitenende: 117
Student labs at universities enjoy great popularity and hence represent attractive offers to enrich the students everyday school life. However, these extracurricular activities often face challenges as high travel expenses and long driving times making a visit unattractive. The GreeLab_OS thus offers an extracurricular learning location which is conceptualized as both a stationary and a mobile learning and teaching lab addressing the current environmental topic of sustainability, as well as referring to the finding of the Pisa study and guidelines of educational policy. This article shall introduce the concept and the procedures of the student lab along with associated experiments. It is particularly prevalent, that the GreenLab_OS constitutes an extracurricular learning activity likewise offered at the university and at schools. The accompanying research focuses on a comparison of the stationary version with its mobile counterpart. Information shall be gained about whether the mobile version constitutes an attractive alternative to subsiding stationary offers. Additionally, possible effects of mobile student labs on motivational and incentive reasons for chemistry classes will be made subject of research. Corresponding results will be published in a subsequent article
ISSN: 09445846
DOI: 10.1002/ckon.201800005

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