The effects of combined action observation and motor imagery on corticospinal excitability and movement outcomes: Two meta-analyses

Autor(en): Chye, Samantha
Valappil, Ashika Chembila
Wright, David J.
Frank, Cornelia 
Shearer, David A.
Tyler, Christopher J.
Diss, Ceri E.
Mian, Omar S.
Tillin, Neale A.
Bruton, Adam M.
Stichwörter: AOMI; Behavioral Sciences; Dual action simulation; MODEL; Motor evoked potentials; Motor execution; Motor imagery during action observation; Neurosciences; Neurosciences & Neurology; REHABILITATION; REPRESENTATIONS; SPECIFICITY; Transcranial magnetic stimulation; TUTORIAL
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Volumen: 143
Motor simulation interventions involving motor imagery (MI) and action observation (AO) have received considerable interest in the behavioral sciences. A growing body of research has focused on using AO and MI simultaneously, termed `combined action observation and motor imagery' (AOMI). The current paper includes two meta-analyses that quantify changes in corticospinal excitability and motor skill performance for AOMI compared to AO, MI and control conditions. Specifically, the first meta-analysis collated and synthesized existing motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude data from transcranial magnetic stimulation studies and the second meta-analysis collated and synthesized existing movement outcome data from behavioral studies. AOMI had a positive effect compared to control and AO but not MI conditions for both MEP amplitudes and movement outcomes. No methodological factors moderated the effects of AOMI, indicating a robust effect of AOMI across the two outcome variables. The results of the meta-analyses are discussed in relation to existing literature on motor simulation and skill acquisition, before providing viable directions for future research on this topic.
ISSN: 0149-7634
DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2022.104911

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