Trust in Digitalization and AI: Findings from a Qualitative Study on Healthcare Professionals in Germany

Autor(en): Babitsch, Birgit 
Hannemann, Niels
Kutza, Jan-Oliver
Hübner, Ursula
Stichwörter: AI; Delivery of Health Care; digitalization; Germany; health care delivery; health care personnel; Health Personnel; healthcare; human; Humans; qualitative research; trust; trust building
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Journal: Studies in health technology and informatics
Volumen: 309
Startseite: 317 – 318
The acceptance and use of digital technologies depend on the trustworthiness attributed to them. Experts were interviewed about how they assign trust to digital technologies or AI (N=12). The data were analyzed applying the focused qualitative content analysis. All of the experts have experience with digital technologies, but only seven with AI. The majority of experts generally trust digital technologies, but only five experts expressed a general trust in AI. Similar reasons contributing to trust building were given for digital technologies and AI. The results show the complexity of the trust building process and the construct of trust itself. The development of explainable AI and professional training are prerequisites to support a critical and safe use of these technologies.
Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access
ISSN: 1879-8365
DOI: 10.3233/SHTI230810
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