Functional analysis of ABCG and ABCH transporters from the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum

Autor(en): Rosner, Janin
Tietmeyer, Johanne
Merzendorfer, Hans 
Stichwörter: ‐ β Agriculture; Agronomy; ATP‐ binding cassette transporters (ABC transporter); cyfluthrin; diflubenzuron; Entomology; insecticide detoxification; malathion; tebufenozide; Tribolium castaneum
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Herausgeber: JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD
Volumen: 77
Ausgabe: 6
Startseite: 2955
Seitenende: 2963
BACKGROUND ATP-binding cassette transporter (ABC transporter) subfamilies ABCA-C and ABCG-H have been implicated in insecticide detoxification, mostly based on findings of elevated gene expression in response to insecticide treatment. We previously characterized TcABCA-C genes from the model beetle and pest Tribolium castaneum and demonstrated that TcABCA and TcABCC genes are involved in the elimination of diflubenzuron, because RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated gene silencing increased susceptibility. In this study, we focused on the potential functions of TcABCG and TcABCH genes in insecticide detoxification. RESULTS When we silenced the expression of TcABCG-H genes using RNAi, we noticed a previously unreported developmental RNAi phenotype for TcABCG-4F, which is characterized by 50% mortality and ecdysial arrest during adult moult. When we knocked down the Drosophila brown orthologue TcABCG-XC, we did not obtain apparent eye colour phenotypes but did observe a loss of riboflavin uptake by Malpighian tubules. Next, we determined the expression profiles of all TcABCG-H genes in different tissues and developmental stages and analysed transcript levels in response to treatment with four chemically unrelated insecticides. We found that some genes were specifically upregulated after insecticide treatment. However, when we determined insecticide-induced mortalities in larvae that were treated by double-stranded RNA injection to silence those TcABCG-H genes that were upregulated, we did not observe a significant increase in susceptibility to insecticides. CONCLUSION Our findings suggest that the observed insecticide-dependent induction of TcABCG-H gene expression reflects an unspecific stress response, and hence underlines the significance of functional studies on insecticide detoxification.
ISSN: 1526498X
DOI: 10.1002/ps.6332

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