Browsing by Author Thomas, Oliver

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Showing results 42 to 61 of 262 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Data model development for process modeling recommender systemsFellmann, M.; Metzger, D.; Thomas, O. 
2017Data protection requirements on Smart Glasses-based information systems in logistics [Datenschutzrechtliche Anforderungen an Smart Glasses-basierende Informationssysteme in der Logistik]Berkemeier, L.; McGuire, M.-R.; Steinmann, S.; Niemöller, C.; Thomas, O. 
2021Data-based Customer-Retention-as-a-Service: Induktive Entwicklung eines datenbasierten Geschäftsmodells auf Basis einer Fallstudie der AutomobilbrancheKortum, Henrik; Rebstadt, Jonas; Gravemeier, Laura Sophie; Thomas, Oliver 
2022Data-driven forwarding: a typology of digital platforms for road freight transport managementHeinbach, Christoph; Beinke, Jan; Kammler, Friedemann; Thomas, Oliver 
2020Datenschutz und Datensicherheit von Smart GlassesBerkemeier, Lisa; McGuire, Mary-Rose ; Steinmann, Sabrina; Niemöller, Christina; Thomas, Oliver ; Wahlen, Peter; Vogel, Jannis
2021Decarbonization in the Digital Platform Age - A Green Service Canvas for Small and Medium-sized Road CarriersHeinbach, C.; Thomas, O. 
2021Deep learning object detection as an assistance system for complex image labeling tasksLeimkühler, M.; Gravemeier, L.S.; Biester, T.; Thomas, O. 
2021Deep learning object detection as an assistance system for complex image labeling tasks.Leimkühler, Max; Gravemeier, Laura Sophie; Biester, Tim; Thomas, Oliver 
2012Dependency-based IT Governance practices in inter-organisational collaborations: A graph-driven elaborationZarvic, Novica; Stolze, Carl; Boehm, Matthias; Thomas, Oliver 
2019Der Kunde als Dienstleister in der Supply Chain: Akzeptanz und Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Smart-Glasses-Systemen im Self-ServiceWerning, Sebastian; Berkemeier, Lisa; Zobel, Benedikt; Ickerott, Ingmar; Thomas, Oliver 
2017Der Kunde als Dienstleister: Akzeptanz und Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Smart Glasses im Self-ServiceBerkemeier, Lisa; Werning, Sebastian; Zobel, Benedikt; Ickerott, Ingmar; Thomas, Oliver 
2017Design and demonstration of an engineering method for service support systemsMetzger, Dirk; Niemoeller, Christina; Thomas, Oliver 
2018Design and development of a process modelling environment for business process utilization within smart glassesVogel, J.; Jannaber, S.; Zobel, B.; Thomas, O. 
2011Design and usage of a process-centric collaboration methodology for virtual organizations in hybrid environmentsDollmann, T.; Loos, P.; Fellmann, M.; Thomas, O. ; Hoheisel, A.; Katranuschkov, P.; Scherer, R.J.
2015Design science for future ais: Transferring continuous auditing issues to a gradual methodologyKiesow, A.; Zarvić, N.; Thomas, O. 
2017Designing a framework for the development of domain-specific process modelling languagesJannaber, S.; Riehle, D.M.; Delfmann, P.; Thomas, O. ; Becker, J.
2011Designing a risk-based partner selection process for collaborative cloud computing environmentsMartens, B.; Zarvic, N.; Teuteberg, F. ; Thomas, O. 
2022Designing a shared freight service intelligence platform for transport stakeholders using mobile telematicsHeinbach, Christoph; Meier, Pascal; Thomas, Oliver 
2016DESIGNING MHEALTH APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIESNiemöller, Christina; Metzger, Dirk; Berkemeier, Lisa; Zobel, Benedikt; Thomas, Oliver ; Thomas, Verena
2016Designing mhealth applications for developing countriesNiemöller, C.; Metzger, D.; Berkemeier, L.; Zobel, B.; Thomas, O. ; Thomas, V.