Browsing by Author Sembill, Anja

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Relevance of therapy goals in outpatient cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic psychotherapySchoettke, Henning; Trame, Laura; Sembill, Anja
2016The Phase Model of Psychotherapeutic Outcome: Validation of the ``Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Psychotherapeutic Change Processes'' (FEP)Sembill, Anja; Vocks, Silja ; Schoettke, Henning
2019The phase model of psychotherapy outcome: Domain-specific trajectories of change in outpatient treatmentSembill, Anja; Vocks, Silja ; Kosfelder, Joachim; Schoettke, Henning
2011Therapy goals in outpatient cognitive-behavioral therapy or psychodynamic psychotherapy - necessary or irrelevant?Schoettke, Henning; Sembill, Anja; Eversmann, Julia; Waldorf, Manuel ; Lange, Julia