Waldorf, Manuel

Full Name
Waldorf, Manuel
Waldorf, M
Waldorf, Manuel
Main Affiliation
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Lädt ... 3 0 20 0 false


1-20 von 53

12008Repeated administrations of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test: A typological algorithm considering stability and practice effectsWaldorf, Manuel ; Schoettke, Henning; Wiedl, Karl Heinz
22010Krankheitseinsicht, dynamisch getestete Exekutivfunktionen und defensive Bewältigung bei SchizophrenieWaldorf, Manuel 
32011Therapy goals in outpatient cognitive-behavioral therapy or psychodynamic psychotherapy - necessary or irrelevant?Schoettke, Henning; Sembill, Anja; Eversmann, Julia; Waldorf, Manuel ; Lange, Julia
42012Stigma as a predictor of insight in schizophreniaPruss, Linda; Wiedl, Karl Heinz; Waldorf, Manuel 
52013The Concordance of Rater- and Self-Administration of the Osnabruck Profile of Working Abilities (O-AFP)Cordes, Martin; Waldorf, Manuel ; Ehlers, Jan; Wiedl, Karl H.
62014German version of the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire - Appearance Scales (MBSRQ-AS): Confirmatory factor analysis and validationVossbeck-Elsebusch, Anna N.; Waldorf, Manuel ; Legenbauer, Tanja; Bauer, Anika; Cordes, Martin; Vocks, Silja 
72014Dynamic testing with native and migrant preschool children in Germany and Spain, using the Application of Cognitive Functions ScaleWiedl, K. H.; Mata, S.; Waldorf, M. ; Calero, M. D.
82014``I wish that I were more muscular'': A psychometric analysis of the German version of the Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS)Waldorf, Manuel ; Cordes, Martin; Vocks, Silja ; McCreary, Don
92014The contribution of subjective illness representation in explaining impaired insight into illness of people with schizophreniaPruss, Linda; Wiedl, Karl Heinz; Waldorf, Manuel 
102015Overestimation of body size in eating disorders and its association to body-related avoidance behaviorVossbeck-Elsebusch, Anna N.; Waldorf, Manuel ; Legenbauer, Tanja; Bauer, Anika; Cordes, Martin; Vocks, Silja 
112015Body-related attentional bias in women and men. Potential risk factor for the development and maintenance of a distorted body imageCordes, Martin; Bauer, Anika; Waldorf, Manuel ; Vocks, Silja 
122015Alterations in Activity, Volume, and Connectivity of Body-Processing Brain Areas in Anorexia NervosaSuchan, Boris; Vocks, Silja ; Waldorf, Manuel 
132016Fears, Coping Styles, and Health Behaviors: A Comparison of Patients With Hypochondriasis, Panic Disorder, and DepressionSchuette, Kathrin; Vocks, Silja ; Waldorf, Manuel 
142016Male Body Image and Visual Attention Towards Oneself and Other MenCordes, Martin; Vocks, Silja ; Duesing, Rainer; Bauer, Anika; Waldorf, Manuel 
152017Effects of the exposure to self- and other-referential bodies on state body image and negative affect in resistance-trained menCordes, Martin; Vocks, Silja ; Duesing, Rainer; Waldorf, Manuel 
162017Diagnostics of body image disorders. Measurement instruments for quantification of cognitive-affective, perceptual and behavioral componentsSteinfeld, Beate; Bauer, Anika; Waldorf, Manuel ; Hartmann, Andrea S. ; Vocks, Silja 
172017Diagnostics of Body Image Disorders Measurement Instruments for Quantification of cognitive-affective, perceptual and behavioral Components (vol 62, pg 164, 2017)Steinfeld, Beate; Bauer, Anika; Waldorf, Manuel ; Hartmann, Andrea S. ; Vocks, Silja 
182017Diagnostik der Körperbildstörung : Messinstrumente zur Quantifizierung der kognitiv-affektiven, perzeptiven und behavioralen KomponentenSteinfeld, Beate; Bauer, Anika; Waldorf, Manuel ; Hartmann, Andrea S. ; Vocks, Silja 
192017Is There More to Insight Into Illness in Schizophrenia Than Cognition? A Study Applying the Dynamic Wisconsin Card Sorting TestWaldorf, Manuel ; Pruss, Linda; Wiedl, Karl H.
202017Visual processing of one's own body over the course of time: Evidence for the vigilance-avoidance theory in adolescents with anorexia nervosa?Bauer, Anika; Schneider, Silvia; Waldorf, Manuel ; Cordes, Martin; Huber, Thomas J.; Braks, Karsten; Vocks, Silja