de Juan, Alexander

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Full Name
de Juan, Alexander
de Juan, A
de Juan, Alexander
Lädt ... 2 0 20 0 false
Lädt ... 3 0 20 0 false


1-13 von 13

12019The historical roots of cooperative behavior-Evidence from eastern CongoDe Juan, Alexander ; Koos, Carlo
22020Natural disasters, aid distribution, and social conflict - Micro-level evidence from the 2015 earthquake in NepalDe Juan, Alexander ; Pierskalla, Jan; Schwarz, Elisa
32020Undoing the Revolution: Comparing Elite Subversion of Peasant Rebellions.De Juan, Alexander 
42020Heterogeneous Effects of Development Aid on Violent Unrest in Postwar Countries: Village-Level Evidence from NepalDe Juan, Alexander 
52020Conditional effects of development aid on political perceptions: mixed-methods evidence from North-East AfghanistanDe Juan, Alexander ; Gosztonyi, Kristof; Koehler, Jan
62020Temperatures, food riots, and adaptation: A long-term historical analysis of EnglandDe Juan, Alexander ; Wegenast, Tim
72021Preferences for the Scope of ProtestsPellicer, Miquel; Wegner, Eva; De Juan, Alexander 
82021The Partial Effectiveness of Indoctrination in Autocracies Evidence from the German Democratic Republicde Juan, Alexander ; Haass, Felix; Pierskalla, Jan
92021Climate and cohesion: The effects of droughts on intra-ethnic and inter-ethnic trustDe Juan, Alexander ; Haenze, Niklas
102021Survey participation effects in conflict researchDe Juan, Alexander ; Koos, Carlo
112022Can reconstruction programmes improve political perceptions in conflict contexts? Evidence from eastern Democratic Republic of the CongoDe Juan, Alexander ; Koos, Carlo; Pellicer, Miquel; Wegner, Eva
122023War and Nationalism: How WW1 Battle Deaths Fueled Civilians' Support for the Nazi PartyDe Juan, Alexander ; Haass, Felix; Koos, Carlo; Riaz, Sascha; Tichelbaecker, Thomas
132023The Political Effects of Witnessing State Atrocities: Evidence from the Nazi Death MarchesDe Juan, Alexander ; Gläßel, Christian; Haass, Felix; Scharpf, Adam