Nanoscale Organization of Mitochondrial Microcompartments Revealed by Combining Tracking and Localization Microscopy

Autor(en): Appelhans, Timo
Richter, Christian P.
Wilkens, Verena
Hess, Samuel T.
Piehler, Jacob 
Busch, Karin B.
Stichwörter: ATP synthase; CELLS; Chemistry; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Chemistry, Physical; DYNAMICS; INNER MEMBRANE; Materials Science; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; membrane protein dynamics; mitochondria; MOLECULES; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; OPTICAL RECONSTRUCTION MICROSCOPY; PARTICLE-TRACKING; Physics; Physics, Applied; Physics, Condensed Matter; PROTEINS; Science & Technology - Other Topics; SINGLE; single molecule tracking; Super-resolution imaging; TALM; Tom20
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012
Enthalten in: NANO LETTERS
Band: 12
Ausgabe: 2
Startseite: 610
Seitenende: 616
While detailed information on the nanoscale-organization of proteins within intracellular membranes has emerged from electron microcopy, information on their spatiotemporal dynamics is scarce. By use of a photostable rhodamine attached specifically to Halo-tagged proteins in mitochondrial membranes, we were able to track and localize single protein complexes such as Tom20 and ATP synthase in suborganellar structures in live cells. Individual membrane proteins in the inner and outer membrane of mitochondria were imaged over long time periods with localization precisions below 15 nm. Projection of single molecule trajectories revealed diffusion-restricting rnicrocompartments such as individual cristae in mitochondria. At the same time, protein-specific diffusion characteristics within different mitochondrial membranes could be extracted.
ISSN: 15306984
DOI: 10.1021/nl203343a

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