Why and how to study the impact of perception on language emergence in artificial agents

Autor(en): Ohmer, X.
Marino, M.
König, P. 
Franke, M. 
Stichwörter: Communication games; deep learning; groundedness; Intelligent agents; language emergence; Multi agent systems, Artificial agents; Multi-agents simulations; Property; reinforcement learning; Reinforcement learning agent; Reinforcement learnings; Research fields, Reinforcement learning
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Herausgeber: The Cognitive Science Society
Enthalten in: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Comparative Cognition: Animal Minds, CogSci 2021
Startseite: 1139
Seitenende: 1145
The study of emergent languages in deep multi-agent simulations has become an important research field. While targeting different objectives, most studies focus on analyzing properties of the emergent language—often in relation to the agents' inputs—ignoring the influence of the agents' perceptual processes. In this work, we use communication games to investigate how differences in perception affect emergent language. Using a conventional setup, we train two deep reinforcement learning agents, a sender and a receiver, on a reference game. However, we systematically manipulate the agents' perception by enforcing similar representations for objects with specific shared features. We find that perceptual biases of both sender and receiver influence which object features the agents' messages are grounded in. When uniformly enforcing the similarity of all features that are relevant for the reference game, agents perform better and the emergent protocol better captures conceptual input properties. © Cognitive Science Society: Comparative Cognition: Animal Minds, CogSci 2021.All rights reserved.
Conference of 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Comparative Cognition: Animal Minds, CogSci 2021 ; Conference Date: 26 July 2021 Through 29 July 2021; Conference Code:182813
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85139455021&partnerID=40&md5=28bf8198b3cf45197ed6e07d0601c565

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