Evaluation of a decision support system for the recommendation of pasture harvest date and form

Autor(en): Reuter, Tobias
Morales, Juan Carlos Saborío
Tieben, Christoph
Nahrstedt, Konstantin
Kraatz, Franz
Meemken, Hendrik
Hünker, Gerrit
Lingemann, Kai
Broll, Gabriele 
Jarmer, Thomas 
Hertzberg, Joachim 
Trautz, Dieter
Herausgeber: Stein, A.
Hoffmann, C.
Ruckelshausen, A.
Steckel, T.
Helga, F.
Muller, H.
Stichwörter: Crude fibre; Decision support systems; Decision supports; decision-support; Expert rule; expert system; Expert systems; forage; grassland harvesting; Growth stages; Harvesting; Knowledge based decision support systems; knowledge representation; Knowledge-representation; Legume plant; Plant height; Weather forecasting
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Herausgeber: Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)
Enthalten in: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)
Band: P-330
Startseite: 489 – 494
The task of generating automatic recommendations of pasture harvest date and form was previously addressed through a knowledge-based decision support system (DSS). The system follows expert rules and exploits data such as the weather history and forecast, the growth stage of grass and legumes, plant height and crude fibre content. In this paper, we present the results of our evaluation of this DSS on 26 fields in West and Northwest Germany. We compared the suggestions made by the DSS with the decisions of expert farmers and obtained an accuracy of R2=0.746 and RMSE=7.83 days. The best results occurred for intensively managed fields for dairy cows, with an R2 of 0.891 and RMSE of 3.20 days. We conclude our DSS and its underlying methodology have the potential to support farmers and secure high-quality fodder. © 2023 Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI). All rights reserved.
Cited by: 0; Conference name: 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernahrungswirtschaft - Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme: Herausforderungen und Losungsansatze, GIL 2023 - 43rd Annual Conference of the Society for Informatics in Agriculture, Forestry, and Food Industry - Resilient Agri-Food Systems: Challenges and Solutions, GIL 2023; Conference date: 13 February 2023 through 14 February 2023; Conference code: 193633
ISBN: 9783885797241
ISSN: 1617-5468
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85176363273&partnerID=40&md5=328ffeb511035c77d1481875f659c6d8

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