Frank, Karin

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Full Name
Frank, Karin
Frank, K
Frank, Karin
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1-20 von 40

12006Stochastic metapopulation persistence in heterogeneous landscapes : model based contributions to metapopulation theory and conservation managementFrank, Karin 
22006Stochastic metapopulation persistence in heterogeneous landscapes : model-based contributions to metapolulation theory and conservation managementFrank, Karin 
32012Forest vs. fuel - How could the politically fostered demand for energy crops influence the effectiveness of REDD+ instruments?Weise, H.; Gawel, E.; Frank, K. 
42014How do individual farmers' objectives influence the evaluation of rangeland management strategies under a variable climate?Jakoby, Oliver; Quaas, Martin F.; Mueller, Birgit; Baumgaertner, Stefan; Frank, Karin 
52014How much climate change can pastoral livelihoods tolerate? Modelling rangeland use and evaluating riskMartin, Romina; Mueller, Birgit; Linstaedter, Anja; Frank, Karin 
62014Species ecology and the impacts of bioenergy crops: an assessment approach with four example farmland bird speciesEveraars, Jeroen; Frank, Karin ; Huth, Andreas 
72014Pattern-oriented parameterization of general models for ecological application: Towards realistic evaluations of management approachesJakoby, Oliver; Grimm, Volker; Frank, Karin 
82014Of climate and its resulting tree growth: Simulating the productivity of temperate forestsBohn, Friedrich J.; Frank, Karin ; Huth, Andreas 
92015Assessing the structural adequacy of alternative ecohydrological models using a pattern-oriented approachArnold, S.; Attinger, S.; Frank, K. ; Hildebrandt, A.
102016Assessing Regional-Scale Impacts of Short Rotation Coppices on Ecosystem Services by Modeling Land-Use DecisionsSchulze, Jule; Frank, Karin ; Priess, Joerg A.; Meyer, Markus A.
112016Viability of cyclic populationsSinger, Alexander; Frank, Karin 
122016Mycelium-Like Networks Increase Bacterial Dispersal, Growth, and Biodegradation in a Model Ecosystem at Various Water PotentialsWorrich, Anja; Koenig, Sara; Miltner, Anja; Banitz, Thomas; Centler, Florian; Frank, Karin ; Thullner, Martin; Harms, Hauke; Kaestner, Matthias; Wick, Lukas Y.
132016A spatially explicit assessment of the wind energy potential in response to an increased distance between wind turbines and settlements in GermanyMasurowski, Frank; Drechsler, Martin; Frank, Karin 
142016Bacterial Dispersal Promotes Biodegradation in Heterogeneous Systems Exposed to Osmotic StressWorrich, Anja; Koenig, Sara; Banitz, Thomas; Centler, Florian; Frank, Karin ; Thullner, Martin; Harms, Hauke; Miltner, Anja; Wick, Lukas Y.; Kaestner, Matthias
152016Spatial metrics as indicators of biodegradation benefits from bacterial dispersal networksBanitz, Thomas; Frank, Karin ; Wick, Lukas Y.; Harms, Hauke; Johst, Karin
162016Livelihood security in face of drought - Assessing the vulnerability of pastoral householdsMartin, Romina; Linstaedter, Anja; Frank, Karin ; Mueller, Birgit
172016Towards thresholds of disaster management performance under demographic change: exploring functional relationships using agent-based modelingDressler, Gunnar; Mueller, Birgit; Frank, Karin ; Kuhlicke, Christian
182016Ecosystem Management Along Ephemeral Rivers: Trading Off Socio-Economic Water Supply and Vegetation Conservation under Flood Regime UncertaintyArnold, S.; Attinger, S.; Frank, K. ; Baxter, P.; Possingham, H.; Hildebrandt, A.
192017The expansion of short rotation forestry: characterization of determinants with an agent-based land use modelSchulze, Jule; Gawel, Erik; Nolzen, Henning; Weise, Hanna; Frank, Karin 
202017Modelling functional resilience of microbial ecosystems: Analysis of governing processesKoenig, Sara; Worrich, Anja; Centler, Florian; Wick, Lukas Y.; Miltner, Anja; Kaestner, Matthias; Thullner, Martin; Frank, Karin ; Banitz, Thomas