Ksenofontov, Inna

Full Name
Ksenofontov, Inna
Ksenofontov, I
Ksenofontov, Inna
Main Affiliation
Lädt ... 2 0 20 0 false
Lädt ... 3 0 20 0 false


1-7 von 7

12015Explicit but not implicit sexist beliefs predict benevolent and hostile sexist behaviorLaux, Stephanie H. de Oliveira; Ksenofontov, Inna ; Becker, Julia C.
22015Explicit but not implicit sexist beliefs predict benevolent and hostile sexist behaviorOliveira Laux, Stephanie H. ; Ksenofontov, Inna ; Becker, Julia C.
32019Antecedents and consequences of autonomy- and dependency-oriented help toward refugeesBecker, Julia C.; Ksenofontov, Inna ; Siem, Birte; Love, Angelika
42020The Harmful Side of Thanks: Thankful Responses to High-Power Group Help Undermine Low-Power Groups' ProtestKsenofontov, Inna ; Becker, Julia C.
52020The gratitude of disadvantaged groups : a missing piece in research on intergroup power relationsKsenofontov, Inna 
62023(Not so) powerful allies? Decision makers' reactions to advantaged group allies in collective actionHartwich, Lea; Kutlaca, Maja; Ksenofontov, Inna ; Jetten, Jolanda; Becker, Julia C.
7-Mentioning the Sample's Country in the Article's Title Leads to Bias in Research EvaluationKahalon, Rotem; Klein, Verena; Ksenofontov, Inna ; Ullrich, Johannes; Wright, Stephen C.